Un evento

“Use of local flora in environmental restoration and landscaping”, Crete, Greece, 17 December 2015

CIHEAM-Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, ECOPLANTMED project coordinator, is organising their final project information day with the aim to promote the use of local flora species and local genetic material in environmental restoration and landscaping, as well as to promote their production by private and forest nurseries. 
The two project editions, “Manual for the propagation of selected Mediterranean native plant species” and “Guide of good restoration practices for Mediterranean habitats” will be presented. In addition, there will be related presentations about propagative material by invited speakers from the Greek Biotope/Wetland Centre, the Institute of Mediterranean Forest Ecosystems of the Hellenic Agricultural Organization "DEMETER", and the Directorate of Forest Works and Infrastructures of the Ministry of Environment and Energy. The event is addressed to entities, scientists and researchers involved in environmental management and plant genetic resources, the public and private plant production sector, landscapers and garden designers, environmental educators and organisations, as well as the tourism sector, local societies and the wide public. The language used in the event will be Greek. 
Find the agenda here (GR). For more information contact Adamantia Kokkinaki (+3028210 35053, adamantia@maich.gr).

Date Published:
Dec 08, 2015

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Clausola di esclusione della responsabilità: Clausola di esclusione della responsabilità: Questο sito web è stata realizzata con il supporto finanziario dell’Unione europea nell’ambito del Programma ENPI CBC Bacino del Mediterraneo. I contenuti riportati in questo documento ricadono sotto la responsabilità esclusiva di CIHEAM – Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania e in nessun caso sono da considerarsi espressione della posizione dell’Unione Europea o delle strutture di gestione del Programma.